Presbytery of the Cascades

Communication and Technology Team (CATT)

CATT is tasked with developing, maintaining and guiding the Presbytery in implementing strategic and a Crisis Communication Plan for the Presbytery, live-streaming and recording Presbytery meetings, and administering a tech grant fund. CATT provides planning advice and support to the moderator for meetings of Presbytery.

Meetings: Held via Zoom monthly (currently on second Tuesdays at 11 am). 

Communication Responsibilities:
• Coordinate use of multiple channels of communication, (like Omnibus and Cascades Connections), and electronic/social media tools (website, Facebook, Instagram, etc.).
• The presbytery website will serve as a user-friendly hub for connecting resources, programs and people.
• Make available, to the extent possible, the electronic channels of communication in a way that those without tech skills or those not choosing to join a particular one (like Facebook) might still have access to the conversation through another online gateway.
• Manage policies to allow for public as well as more limited password-protected communication and provide guidelines for what constitutes good practice in use of social media.
• Provide clear policies on appropriate copying and repeating of what is shared in electronic settings, along with protection of privacy.

CATT should include people with group process, human relations and organizational skills, as well as people with technical and computer know-how. Creativity and openness to experimentation are especially valuable on this team. All four regions should be represented. CATT meets on a monthly basis and/or as needed, videoconferencing  to include those not able to attend in person.

Staff: Danny Peters, Communications Manager