Presbytery of the Cascades

Committee on Representation (COR) 

The Committee on Representation consists of seven persons including the chair to meet the requirements and fulfill the responsibilities specified in the Constitution. Members are elected for a three year term and may serve for up to six years.


The Book of Order (G-3.0103), states “each council shall develop procedures and mechanisms for promoting and reviewing that body’s implementation of the church’s commitment to inclusiveness and representation. Councils above the session shall establish by their own rule committees on representation to fulfill the following functions:

  • to advise the council regarding the implementation of the principles of unity and diversity
  • to advocate for diversity in leadership
  • to consult with the council on the employment of personnel, in accordance with the principles of unity and diversity in F-1.0403

A Committee on Representation should not be merged with another committee or made a subcommittee of another committee.

COR Chair Responsibilities: The chair of COR is responsible for developing the agenda for meetings, facilitating the meetings and coordinating the tasks of the committee. The chair of COR or their designate serves on the Presbytery Leadership Commission. The PLC meets monthly on the 2nd Wednesday of the month. 

Skills/Requirements:      Deep commitment to principles of participation and inclusiveness. Awareness and ability to listen for issues of concern, including policies and procedures that affect participation.

Willingness to question business-as-usual and suggest changes, if warranted, as an advisor and advocate.

Meetings:  The committee meets monthly via Zoom and may be asked to meet with other groups in the presbytery or plan and facilitate workshops or presentations for some presbytery meetings.  

Staff: Paul Belz-Templeman, Stated Clerk