Nominating Committee:
The Presbytery elects twelve persons to serve on the Nominating Committee who are able to recruit and consider a diverse and qualified pool of potential officers, commissioners and committee members for service to the Presbytery. Preference shall be given to candidates who are available to attend most Committee meetings. The Nominating Committee meets for an hour four times per year in October, mid-January, March and May. The committee usually meets by Zoom. It may meet once per year in person. ALL EXPENSES INCURRED FORATTENDING MEETINGS (mileage, meals, motels) ARE REIMBURSED BY THE PRESBYTERY.
The Committee should be broadly representative of the member churches of the Presbytery, striving for(a) a membership of one-half teaching elders and one-half ruling elders,(b)an equal number of male and female members, and (c) equal numbers of members from each region of the Presbytery. In no case shall the Committee contain fewer than one person from each region. There shall be no more than one person from a single church serving on the Committee at the same time. The Committee shall nominate from within its continuing membership a person to serve as its chairperson for a term of not more than three years. Due to the confidential nature of its business, meetings of the Committee shall be considered to be closed meetings.
The Work of the Nominating Committee
The Committee solicits suggestions for nominations for the following vacant officer positions and for vacancies on the following boards/teams/commissions/committees:
- Moderator & Moderator Elect
- Vice-Moderator (one from each region)
- Commissioners to General Assembly
- Commissioners to Synod
- Board of Trustees & Chair
- Commission on the Preparation for Ministry & Chair
- Commissions on Ministry(one COM for each of our 4 regions) + the 4 Chairs
- Permanent Judicial Commission
- Personnel & Administration Committee & Chair
- Committee on Representation & Chair
- Chair only Communications and Technology Team
- Chair only New Ministries Team
Staff: Paul Belz-Templeman, Stated Clerk & Cherie Elliott, Administrative Manager
Meetings: Two in-person meetings per year, typically in September and January which last for about 3 hours and are held at locations along the I-5 corridor between Eugene and Salem. Two or three Zoom meetings throughout the year.
Requirements: This committee is open to active members of congregations (one need not be a ruling elder). Must be comfortable contacting churches and candidates throughout the Presbytery. Should be available to attend most Committee meetings, whether in person(preferable) or by means of ZOOM or other forms of communication technology. Commitment to complete assigned tasks within a set timeline or deadline.
Time Demands: Time spent preparing for, traveling to/from, and attending in-person and Zoom meetings. May require significant time to contact candidates and churches, especially in periods of time following Committee meetings.