Presbytery Leadership Commission
Membership: The Presbytery shall establish a Presbytery Leadership Commission (PLC) composed of the following persons with voice and vote: the moderator of the Presbytery, the vice moderators of the Presbytery, the treasurer, a chair from each of the following: Commission on Preparation for Ministry, Communication and Technology Team(CATT), New Ministries Team, Personnel and Administration Committee, Board of Trustees, a representative from the Committee on Representation and each of the regional Commissions on Ministry (COMs), and the immediate past moderator of the Presbytery, who shall serve as chair of the Presbytery Leadership Commission.
The stated clerk and other executive staff as the presbytery may employ shall serve as ex-officio members with voice but without vote.
The Presbytery Leadership Commission (PLC) shall function in accord with the Constitution and these Bylaws as a coordinating body for:
- the mission of presbytery,
- for advising the presbytery on budgeting,
- for meetings of the presbytery,
- and for amendments and overtures.
The Presbytery Leadership Commission (PLC) shall have responsibility for:
- strategic planning and management,
- for personnel matters on the recommendation of the Personnel and Administration Committee,
- and for action on behalf of the presbytery between meetings of the presbytery on recommendations of the Board of Trustees or as directed by the presbytery.
The Presbytery Leadership Commission may have authority to appoint such sub-committees as it deems necessary to accomplish its responsibilities. The Presbytery Leadership Commission may have authority to authorize the chair of the Presbytery Leadership Commission to appoint an Administrative Commission charged with negotiations pertaining to congregations seeking dismissal under the Gracious, Just and Responsible Dismissal Policy.
Meeting Schedule: Every other month for approximately 2 hours.
Staff: Brian Craker, Transitional Executive Presbyter and Paul Belz-Templeman, Stated Clerk